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The upway App: Community, Information, and Support for People with Mental Health Issues!

Welcome to the upway community! In today’s world, mental health affects each and every one of us. That’s why we invite all those affected, their loved ones, professionals, employers, insurers, associations, institutions, social service centers, and anyone interested to make full use of the upway app. For a limited time, we are providing the app free of charge. Additionally, there is the option to purchase or receive voucher codes for continued usage from sponsors.

Take the first step and become part of the upway community! Start using the app for free now and embark on your journey towards a healthier and happier life.

	var yellowStick = document.getElementById('yellow-sticker');
  var yellowClose = document.getElementById('yellow-close');
  yellowStick.addEventListener('click', yello_link);
  yellowClose.addEventListener('click', yello_remove);
  function yello_link(event){
    if (event.currentTarget !== event.target) {
      document.location.href = '/veranstaltungen';
  function yello_remove(){
    yellowStick.style.display = 'none';

Professionelle Hilfe
Professional Help

Ideal and financial supporters

Migros Kulturprozent
Clinica Holistica Engiadina
Swisslos Obwalden
Swisslos Baselland
Lotteriefonds Thrugau
Mind Meister
Die Dargebotene Hand
Pro Juventute
Keller - Frei, Zürich
Pro Mente Sana
Benevol Kanton Bern
Gleich Und Anders Schweiz


Forming or joining self-help groups, posting contributions, and chatting with group members.

Experiences have shown that often a conversation partner who is not affected by the same illness or has not experienced it themselves may not fully understand a patient’s behavior or reaction. The effect of expediting the reintegration process of an “affected” individual into normal social environments and the workforce has been proven through mutual support in all life situations in well-functioning self-help models.

A study on counseling of affected individuals by other affected individuals has, for example, demonstrated its dual effectiveness…

Bernhard Borgetto


Welcome to upway, the platform that brings together people facing mental challenges. Whether you are personally affected or know someone seeking support, upway provides you with a strong network that can help.

With upway, you have a platform that offers you a strong network and helps you feel better. We bring people together so that we can be strong together. Be part of the upway community and discover how a supportive network can make a difference.

Understanding individuals in a network of those who have experienced similar challenges can work wonders and provide timely support to those seeking help. They have firsthand knowledge of the struggles the person is facing and can offer invaluable understanding and assistance.

Project Initiator Werner Klecka


Comprehensive Information from Relevant Fields by Institutions and Professionals.

For individuals affected by mental health challenges, finding help or information can often be difficult and demanding, requiring a lot of energy. This search can sometimes lead to a sense of despair, especially in the midst of a depression, when the desired information cannot be found in a timely manner.

upway is a platform that provides comprehensive information and resources related to depression in a clear and organized manner. It allows users to access a network of individuals affected by depression, where they can seek online help or post their needs.

Projektinitiator Werner Klecka

Professional helpers can provide immediate assistance

Help and immediate assistance from online available specialists such as doctors, psychologists, and institutions.

It often doesn’t take much to uplift people who are going through a phase of depression. A response like “I don’t have time right now, come back in three days…” can have fatal consequences and, in extreme cases, lead to suicide.

A Depression Creeps In Unnoticed Until a Unpredictable Moment When the Affected Person Needs Help. I Always Thought It Wouldn’t Happen to Me!

Affected individual
Professionelle Hilfe